
McGill University - School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Disorders
McGill University - School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Sep 2014 – Jun 2022 Montreal, CA

Supervisors: Dr Karsten Steinhaeur & Dre Shari Baum

Thesis: The modulation of semantic association effects by relational and syntactic structures: behavioral and brain correlates

Available at:

Research Seminars :

  • SCSD654 - Winter 2018 - Research Integrity and Creativity - L. Polka
  • SCSD653 - Winter 2017 - Reading Processes - L. Gonnerman
  • PSYC709 - Winter 2016 - Bilingualism, language and thoughts - D. Titone
  • SCSD712 - Fall 2015 - Bilingualism : influence of language status and input - E. Thordardottir
  • SCSD652 - Winter 2015 - Event Related Potentials and Bilingualism - K. Steinhauer
  • LING620 - Fall 2014 - Experimental linguistics - M. Sonderreger
Université de Montréal
B.Sc. in Linguistics and Psychology
Université de Montréal
Sep 2010 – May 2014 Montreal, CA
Optional Seminars: Acquisition du Langage with D. Valois, Neuropsychologie du langage with P.Royle et Origine du langage with D. Bouchard
Université Paul Sabatier
B.Sc. in Fundamental Computer Sciences
Université Paul Sabatier
Sep 2007 – Jun 2011 Toulouse, FR
Lycée Saint Sernin
Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles ‘Lettres et Sciences Sociales’
Lycée Saint Sernin
Sep 2006 – Jun 2007 Toulouse, FR
Selective intensive preparatory course (or cram school) with the main goal of training students for enrolment in one of the French ‘grandes écoles’.
Lycée Henri Matisse
Baccalauréat Scientifique, Spécialité Mathématiques, Mention Très bien
Lycée Henri Matisse
Jun 2006 – Jun 2006 Cugnaux, FR


R package developer
Jul 2020 – Present Montreal, CA
Creation and development of the new R package ERPscope allowing to easily visualize and analyze event-related potentials (a neuroimaging technique based on EEG). The code and the documentation are available on
Child Phonology Lab
Mobile app developer
Jan 2016 – Present Montreal, CA

Responsibilities include:

  • Design, full development, maintenance and management on the AppStore Connect of three iPad applications, based on Ionic, Angular, and HTML-CSS-Javascript technologies
  • Phophlo, SAILS et SAILS Flex available on iOS for iPad
  • Development of the website to present the applications and user guides
  • Creation of user interfaces compatible with clinical constraints and those of a school environment
  • Supervision of a student for the development of an application based on Flutter technology
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders - McGill University
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders - McGill University
Sep 2018 – Dec 2018 Montreal, CA
  • Teaching the SCSD618 - Research Methods and Measurement seminar of the Master of Speech-Language Pathology program
  • Created new course materials, organized practical activities and evaluations over 13 weeks
  • Introduction to programming in R and the use of statistics in a clinical research context
Computer Research Institute of Montreal
Mitacs Intern
Computer Research Institute of Montreal
Aug 2015 – Dec 2015 Montreal, CA
Complete development of an online application (using Angular) running on tablets and computers, and based on an online database (CouchDB, PouchDB & Express JS)
Laboratoire d’Acquisition et Traitement du Langage - Université de Montréal & iLanguage Lab
Research Assistant
Laboratoire d’Acquisition et Traitement du Langage - Université de Montréal & iLanguage Lab
Oct 2013 – May 2014 Montreal, CA
HTML programming for an online application project based on the MontageJS framework and mentoring of a student studying in the bachelor in speech and language therapy
Linguistics & Translation Department - Université de Montréal
Teaching Assistant
Linguistics & Translation Department - Université de Montréal
Sep 2011 – May 2014 Montreal, CA
Weekly tutorials, preparation of methodological worksheets, learning activities, exam topics & correction for 5 linguistics and translation courses: Computer Tools for Translators (2011 to 2012), Language and Technology (2011), Notions of Syntax (2012 to 2014), Syntax (2013) and Lexicology, Semantics and Morphology (2013)

Awards & Fellowships

Doctoral Research Fellowship
Ranked 1st out of 13 applications evaluated by the evaluation committee 11B - Linguistics / Translation
Best Oral Presentation Award
2nd best presentation (out of a total of 24 presentations)
Graduate Student Excellence Award
Competitive stipends available to promote interdisciplinary research and to support training opportunities for its graduate student members
Editor’s Award - best article published in 2017
CJSLPA Editor’s Award annually recognizes the best paper published in the Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
Lucie Besner Fellowship for the study of the neuroscience of human communication
The Besner Fellowship is awarded annually to a master’s or doctoral student at the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders who is conducting research in the neuroscience of human communication and who is advancing knowledge of the relationship between language, communication and the human brain
MITACS Acceleration Fellowship
The Mitacs Accelerator Fellowship provides long-term funding and an internship option for Masters and PhD students. Successful applicants also have access to professional development to help them ensure project success and develop coveted professional skills.
Best scientific poster
Title of the poster Les mécanismes neurocognitifs sous-jacents aux aspects de sémantique logique du traitement de la phrase - une étude en potentiels évoqués (PE) sur la vérification des conditions de vérité
Departmental Nomination for the Governor General’s Award
Dean’s Award, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
$5,000 scholarship awarded annually to first or second year students who have distinguished themselves during their studies in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Dean’s Award, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
$5,000 scholarship awarded annually to first or second year students who have distinguished themselves during their studies in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.


Center for Research on Brain, Music and Language
Member of the CRBLM Scientific Activity Committee
Sep 2016 – Aug 2021 Montreal, CA
  • Organization of scientific events for members of the research center and outreach activities
Brain Reach & 24h of science
Scientific Communicator
Brain Reach & 24h of science
Sep 2017 – Jun 2019 Montreal, CA
  • Organization of monthly presentations and interactive activities to introduce neuroscience to elementary and high school students
McGill University & Center for Research on Brain, Music and Language
Organizer of scientific journal clubs
McGill University & Center for Research on Brain, Music and Language
Sep 2017 – Jun 2018 Montreal, CA
Post-Graduate Student Society of McGill University
Representative of the School of Communication Sciences & Disorders to the PGSS General Council
Oct 2004 – Aug 2006 Montreal, CA
  • Represent the School of Human Communication Sciences (SHCS) and participate in the decision making of the association during the General assemblies
Association of Students in the School of Communications Sciences and Disorders (PGSA-SCSD)
Research students representative in the departmental student association
Association of Students in the School of Communications Sciences and Disorders (PGSA-SCSD)
Oct 2015 – May 2016 Montreal, CA
  • Advocacy for research students and organization of social and research events within the McGill School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Post-Graduate Student Society of McGill University
Member of the External Affairs Committee
Oct 2015 – May 2016 Montreal, CA
  • Participated in the organization of a referendum on the affiliation of PGSS to the Canadian Federation of Students
  • Participation in meetings of student associations that are members of the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ, now Union étudiante du Québec)
Association des Etats Généraux de l’Europe (European Students' Forum)
AEGEE-Toulouse Vice-President
Oct 2008 – Dec 2010 Toulouse, FR
  • Responsible for the reception of foreign students at Paul Sabatier University
  • Administrative assistance to newcomers and organization of social and cultural events
Lycée Henri Matisse
President of the Student Life Council of the Lycée Henri Matisse
Lycée Henri Matisse
Jul 2007 – Sep 2006 Cugnaux, FR
  • Organization of social events and projects to improve student life
  • Creation of a school newspaper ‘L’écho des fauves’ and participation in the school board
Region Midi-Pyrénées (now Occitanie)
Member of the regional youth council of Midi-Pyrénées
Oct 2004 – Aug 2006 Toulouse, FR
  • Participation in projects to help youth with disabilities
City of Cugnaux
President of the municipal youth council of Cugnaux
City of Cugnaux
Oct 2003 – Aug 2005 Cugnaux, FR
  • Organization of cultural and festive projects for young citizen of Cugnaux
  • Setting up structures to better relay the expression of young people in the community